Bike shelter upcycled from an outside toilet!

James Grigg
4 min readJul 5, 2022

I’ve spent the last few days building myself a little bike shelter, made mostly out of parts that used to be an outside toilet in the backyard of my Victorian-era terraced house! Ta-da:

Photo by the author, obviously (so are all the others here!).

It also functions as a rainwater collection surface to fill my water butts, ready to water plants, and as a platform to put plants on, meaning I can fit more plants in my tiny garden, and they are lifted up into a sunnier height — Which being enclosed on all sides by either tall fences, or even taller buildings, is something they rather need, as most of my garden only gets a few short hours of direct sunlight even in summer!

I reused mostly materials reclaimed from what was the outside toilet — Which I have never used because, well, I have a much nicer inside toilet that isn’t full of spiders! I knocked that down last summer, to make my little backyard a little more spacious. Here’s what the toilet block used to look like:

The roof of the new shelter is one of the old doors, with the slate tiles on top of course, and I was able to reuse most of the old guttering too (trimmed down a little).



James Grigg

Artist, environmentalist, vegan, feminist, atheist, nudist, cyclist, chocoholic, trekkie. Interested in issues of sustainability and equality —