I’m Surprised How Much I Cherish My Wedding Ring

James Grigg
3 min readFeb 14, 2021

Before my wedding to my amazing wife Nadine, I was really apprehensive at the prospect of wearing a wedding ring — So much so that I suggested us getting tattooed rings instead; which is quite something for someone who both has a really low pain threshold, and hates tattoos! But Nadine wasn’t down for that and so we went with rings —I am glad we avoided that painful alternative!

Our wedding forewent plenty of the traditional wedding tropes, we very much crafted a ceremony and a day we wanted, that really represented us. But I could see the value of the symbolism of the rings, so that was one of the traditions we did stick with. We spent quite a while hunting for a ring design that really meant something to us. We wanted something that represented our relationship and our shared philosophies. For a while we were looking at various rings made of wood, or even resin rings with plants trapped inside. Ultimately we went with metal, but in the form of two intertwined leaves, representing our love together, and our love of the natural world. It also represents the particulars of our wedding, which was hosted outdoors in a beautiful garden and autumnal woodland; reflected in the colour of the gold leaves. I knew when I eventually found it it was perfect.

Still, I anticipated hating wearing it.



James Grigg

Artist, environmentalist, vegan, feminist, atheist, nudist, cyclist, chocoholic, trekkie. Interested in issues of sustainability and equality — JamesGrigg.com