Life Drawing: Not quite finding the image

James Grigg
4 min readJan 14, 2024

A look at my drawings from a session where I struggled to capture anything quite right.

15-minute pose drawing by the author.

The following are drawings from my last life drawing session of 2023. It was one where I was a bit tired, and I think on this occasion it really showed in the images produced.

As ever, my local group of choice favours shorter poses (as do I), so we started with some quick two and five minutes. Normally I feel by the end of the very quick poses I’m in the drawing mode, but this time the slightly longer five-minute poses seemed to mostly allude me still.

Two-minute drawings
Five-minute drawings

I eventually decided I found the most interest in the model’s face, and so started to focus my attention there in most of my remaining drawings (poses permitting, I prefer to draw what lands in front of me rather than move to find something I like more).



James Grigg

Artist, environmentalist, vegan, feminist, atheist, nudist, cyclist, chocoholic, trekkie. Interested in issues of sustainability and equality —