We should indeed not edit history. Yet in Britain we are mostly blind to historical damage we have done, and its lasting consequences

James Grigg
Alternative Perspectives
4 min readJun 16, 2020


Churchill’s statue, photographed (by the author) at the Unite for Europe protest, March 2017. Curiously his part in founding what would become the European Union isn’t something often celebrated by those who idolise him for his leadership through World War II.

The Prime Minster, Boris Johnson, recently made a statement regarding the Black Lives Matter protests and far-right reactionary riots, and drew particular attention to the renewed efforts to review statues and historical monuments. He noted:



James Grigg
Alternative Perspectives

Artist, environmentalist, vegan, feminist, atheist, nudist, cyclist, chocoholic, trekkie. Interested in issues of sustainability and equality — JamesGrigg.com